Queer Books, Queer Readers

Queer Books, Queer Readers: Alex Recommends The Traitor Baru Cormorant

Alex (he/him) is a bisexual bilingual Britalian currently living on xʷməθkʷəy̓əm, Sḵwx̱wú7mesh, and səlilwətaɬ land. He is a literary translator from Italian into English, though he also dabbles with French and RPGs, and is co-editor of The Norwich Radical. His work has been published in NYT Magazine, The Massachusetts Review, The Short Story Project, and PEN…

Queer Books, Queer Readers: Haley Boros Recommends Beyond: The Queer Sci-Fi & Fantasy Comic Anthology

Hi there! I’m Haley Boros, my pronouns are she/her, and I’m an award winning graphic designer, illustrator, and published cartoonist. Outside of my career in the label printing and flexible packaging industry, my creative practice focuses on whimsy and fantastical creatures – think dogs doing fantasy jobs! I’ve contributed to several comic and art anthologies…

Queer Books, Queer Readers: Erica Reads Snapdragon!

Hi, I’m Erica (they/she)! I’m a ceramics artist, library worker, theatre-goer, and – of course – a reader. I sometimes share my art and my cat on Instagram: @airekker. What queer book have you chosen to share with our readers today? I’m glad to have the opportunity to gush about Snapdragon by Kat Leyh, a…

Queer Books, Queer Readers: Nico Recommends Little Blue Encyclopedia

Hello! My name is Nico (they/them pronouns), and I am a queer Torontonian who loves (and loves learning about) art and ASL. I identify as a genderqueer bi+ peep who is slowly getting into DnD and RPGs but has always loved literature and stories more than anything else. You can find me sneakily liking all…

Queer Books, Queer Readers: Patrick Myers Recommends Alec

Patrick Myers (he/him) is a freelance writer and playwright. His practice encompasses a variety of disciplines, including but not limited to writing, producing, criticism, and teaching. His work has appeared in American Theatre, HowlRound Theatre Commons, and ARTSATL, and he can be found tweeting irreverently @patrickrmyers on Twitter. What queer book have you chosen to share…

Queer Books, Queer Readers: Chelsea Recommends Loveless

I’m Chelsea (she/her), an asexual and aromantic librarian, who blogs about books over at Spotlight on Stories. You can also find me on Instagram (@crdinsmore) or twitter (@doh_rae_me).  What queer book have you chosen to share with our readers today? Loveless by Alice Oseman was one of my favourite reads of 2020. It has a…

Queer Books, Queer Readers: Kelly Slaven Recommends John Irving

Hi there, my name is Kelly Slaven and my pronouns are she/her/hers. What queer book have you chosen to share with our readers today? OK, I know that I am beginning the interview by breaking the rules. I LOVE John Irving. I love him so very much that I will always read anything he writes…

Queer Books, Queer Readers: Lauren Recommends It Goes Like This

Hi, I’m Lauren! Or Lo. I use she/her or they/them pronouns. I’m queer and neurodivergent and a little witchy and book obsessed. You can find me occasionally posting about books at @readingwithfeelings on Instagram. What queer book have you chosen to share with our readers today? Okay, after many false starts and much deliberation, I…


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